Gas Fitting

Trademark Plumbing & Heating Ltd. provides various gas piping options. Our main new and innovative method is the installation via Viega Megapress and Viega Propress. Megapress fittings and installation eliminates the need of messy joining materials and offers connections without the need of welding and/or heavy equipment, which in turns provides the customer with a more time efficient and cost efficient method of installation.

While Propress fittings and installation are cleaner by eliminating the use of flux, solder and gas. It also ensures a clean and professional connection because there is no build up of jointing materials and no exposed threads to tarnish. Propress connection can be made wet or dry which allows for quick, easy repairs on existing systems.

Lastly we offered the gas connection using gastite piping and gastite fittings. Gastite is a corrugated stainless steel piping that allows for flexible, durable and simple installation when routing in complex buildings or homes.